BroadSpan Asset Management LLC


BSAM focuses on providing funds management solutions and portfolio advisory services to institutional investors and seeks to generate superior returns for its clients while adhering to rigorous risk controls tailored to specific investment objectives.

BSAM is a Registered Investment Advisor with the Florida Office of Financial Regulation

BSAM manages investment strategies in two main categories:

  • Liquid Markets: BSAM manages strategies that invest in tradable instruments. In Value Strategies, BSAM builds long-term buy-and-hold portfolios of robust corporate, sovereign or agency credit instruments generating above-average risk-adjusted returns. In its Special Situation strategy, it seeks to take advantage of medium-tem trading opportunities created by instances of distress, dislocation or risk arbitrage affecting bond issues of sovereign borrowers.
  • Private Markets: BSAM advises pools of capital that make control equity investments in, or advance loans to middle market companies in the Caribbean Basin, including Colombia. These investments typically have horizons of 4 - 6 years.


BSAM’s core investment philosophy in all strategies is based on rigorous fundamental analysis, a deep understanding of relative values between markets and assets classes, and disciplined risk control tailored to specific investment objectives.